Agricultural Solutions

Hundreds of years ago farmers exploited the power of the sun to grow crops and feed livestock. Recently, a high number of farmers are looking to the sun again this time to provide energy to power their farming business. Relying on improved technology, farmers can enjoy alternative energy to increase the value of their farms and produce. Alternative solutions like solar for farms in remote regions are a feasible option because of the inability to access grid-fed electricity. It is more practical to use solar panels as part of a solar energy system on farms because of the high cost of getting grid-fed electricity to farms. Most farms will have access to water by means of a borehole, river or dam; using an independent solar powered pump system is the best way to provide power to pump from the supply to your water tanks. It is important to note that the cost of this system is determined by the following factors
  • The depth of the well
  • The total lift to the water tank in meters
  • The total number of liters of water required on a daily basis


For all your other electrical requirements on the farm like lighting, TV, computers, fridges, microwaves and washing machines, you would then look at a PV solar energy solution comprising of an array of solar panels with a suitable sized battery bank, solar regulators, and a power inverter. Another must-have on the farm which Juststandout can provide you with is the solar-powered attic fan which can lower farm building temperatures by as much as 10 degrees while also reducing your air-conditioning bill. For further details on our agricultural solutions please contact us at