How to Use Excess Solar Power

Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source that offers numerous benefits for both the environment and homeowners.

excess solar power

However, one common challenge faced by solar energy users is what to do with the excess power generated during peak production periods. Instead of letting the surplus energy go to waste, there are practical ways to put it to good use.

 In this blog post, we will explore some innovative ways to make the most of your excess solar power and contribute to a more sustainable future.

  • Energy Storage Solutions

One of the most effective ways to utilize excess solar power is through energy storage solutions. Installing a solar battery system allows you to store surplus energy generated during the day for use during the night or periods of low solar production. 

Energy storage solutions play a crucial role in the realm of alternative energy, enabling a more efficient and reliable utilization of renewable resources. As intermittent energy sources like solar and wind become increasingly prevalent, energy storage systems provide a means to capture, store, and deliver energy when it is most needed.

Battery energy storage, pumped hydro storage, thermal energy storage, flywheel energy storage, and compressed air energy storage each offer unique advantages and applications. By efficiently storing excess renewable energy and providing it when needed, these systems enhance grid stability, improve energy reliability, and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable energy future.

 Continued advancements and investments in energy storage technologies will further enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of alternative energy systems, enabling a cleaner and more resilient energy landscape. By maximizing self-consumption, you can reduce reliance on the grid and increase your energy independence.

  • Net Metering

Net metering is a mechanism that enables solar energy users to feed excess power back into the grid. Through this process, the surplus energy you generate is credited to your account. And effectively spinning your electricity meter backward when the system produces more energy than the user consumes, offsetting future electricity consumption and providing financial benefits.

Let’s explore Net Metering in more detail.

How Does Net Metering Work?

Installation of Alternative Energy System: The user installs an alternative energy system, typically solar panels or wind turbines, to generate electricity on their property.

  1. Bi-Directional Metering: A bi-directional meter is installed that measures both the electricity imported from the grid and the excess electricity exported to the grid.
  2. Energy Generation and Consumption: When the alternative energy system generates more electricity than the user consumes, the excess electricity is sent back to the grid.
  3. Crediting Excess Electricity: The utility company credits the user’s account for the excess electricity based on a predetermined rate, typically the retail electricity rate. These credits can be used to offset future electricity consumption.
  4. Consumption of Grid Electricity: When the alternative energy system does not generate enough electricity to meet the user’s needs (e.g., during nighttime or periods of low generation), electricity is drawn from the grid as usual.
  •  Powering Electric Vehicles (EVs):

If you own an electric vehicle (EV), utilizing excess solar power to charge your EV is an excellent way to optimize your renewable energy usage. By plugging your EV into your solar system, you can reduce your reliance on traditional fossil fuels and save on fuel costs. This synergy between solar power and electric vehicles further strengthens the sustainability of your overall energy consumption.

One of the primary advantages of utilizing excess solar power to charge your EV is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Traditional vehicles that rely on internal combustion engines emit significant amounts of carbon dioxide and other pollutants, contributing to air pollution and climate change. By switching to an electric vehicle and charging it with solar power, you can drastically reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment.

Furthermore, integrating solar power and electric vehicles creates a more efficient and self-sustaining energy ecosystem. Solar panels generate electricity during daylight hours when the sun is shining the brightest. However, this surplus energy is often unused or sent back to the grid if not utilized. 

By charging your EV with this excess solar power, you can make the most of your renewable energy system by storing and utilizing the electricity that would otherwise go to waste. This synergy between solar power and electric vehicles enables a more balanced and efficient distribution of energy resources, reducing strain on the grid and promoting a decentralized energy infrastructure.

In addition to environmental and energy efficiency benefits, utilizing excess solar power for your EV can result in substantial cost savings. Traditional fuel costs can be a significant expense for vehicle owners, especially as global oil prices fluctuate. By harnessing solar energy to charge your EV, you can dramatically reduce or even eliminate the need to purchase fossil fuels for transportation purposes. This translates into long-term savings on fuel expenses, making electric vehicles a cost-effective and financially viable option.

  • Heating Water with Solar Power:

In addition to utilizing excess solar power to charge electric vehicles, another effective way to optimize renewable energy usage is by harnessing that surplus energy to heat water in your home. By installing a solar water heating system, you can make use of the abundant energy generated by your solar panels to heat water for various domestic purposes or even space heating. This innovative approach not only reduces reliance on conventional water heating methods but also results in significant energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint.

This technology typically consists of solar thermal collectors, a heat transfer system, and a storage tank. The solar thermal collectors absorb sunlight and convert it into thermal energy, which is then transferred to the water in the storage tank. By harnessing this clean and renewable energy source, you can drastically decrease or even eliminate the need for traditional water heating methods, such as gas or electric heaters.

  • Sharing Excess Solar Power:

One way to share excess solar power is through the establishment of solar gardens or community solar projects. Solar gardens are centralized solar installations that allow multiple participants to benefit from the generated electricity. 

These projects typically involve a cooperative or community organization that develops and maintains the solar array, while participants can subscribe or purchase shares in the project. This enables individuals or households without suitable rooftops for solar panels to access clean energy and reduce their reliance on fossil fuel-based electricity. By contributing excess solar power to a solar garden, you can directly impact the energy consumption of your neighbors and promote the use of renewable energy within your community.

Sharing excess solar power also has the potential to inspire and educate others about the benefits of renewable energy. By visibly demonstrating the viability and effectiveness of solar power, you can motivate individuals and businesses to explore their own clean energy options.

 As more people witness the positive impact of shared solar initiatives, it can spark conversations, influence policy decisions, and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable energy future.

  • Sell Back to the Grid

If you reside in an area with favorable regulations, you have the potential to participate in programs like net metering or feed-in tariffs, which enable you to sell your excess solar power back to the grid. These programs provide you with the opportunity to feed the surplus electricity generated by your solar panels into the grid, and in return, you receive credits or financial compensation from your utility company. This arrangement not only helps offset your electricity costs but also plays a vital role in bolstering the overall supply of clean energy in your locality.

  • Home Appliances

During periods of excess solar power generation, when your solar panels are producing more electricity than you currently need, it presents an opportune time to schedule the use of energy-intensive appliances. By strategically timing the operation of appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers, or electric heaters to coincide with peak solar production, you can optimize the utilization of your solar power and reduce your reliance on grid electricity.

Washing machines and dishwashers are examples of appliances that consume a significant amount of energy. Typically, these appliances have programmable features that allow you to delay the start of a cycle. By taking advantage of this functionality, you can set your washing machine or dishwasher to begin their operation during the periods when your solar panels are generating surplus electricity. This ensures that the energy-intensive cycles coincide with the maximum solar production, maximizing the utilization of your solar power.

Similarly, electric heaters, such as space heaters or water heaters, can be scheduled to operate during times of excess solar power. If you need to heat your home or water, adjusting the settings or timers on your electric heaters can enable them to activate when your solar panels are producing the most energy. This approach minimizes the need to draw electricity from the grid to power these appliances, effectively reducing your reliance on grid electricity and maximizing the use of your self-generated solar power.

The benefits of scheduling energy-intensive appliance usage during periods of excess solar power are twofold. First, this not only reduces your carbon footprint but also helps lower your electricity bills by minimizing the amount of grid electricity you consume.

Secondly, it helps alleviate the strain on the electrical grid during peak demand times. By shifting the operation of energy-intensive appliances to periods of high solar production, you contribute to a more balanced distribution of electricity demand throughout the day. 


As solar power continues to gain popularity, finding innovative ways to make the most of excess solar energy becomes crucial. By investing in energy storage solutions, utilizing net metering, powering electric vehicles, heating water with solar power, and exploring community-based sharing initiatives, you can maximize the benefits of your solar system while contributing to a greener future. 

Embracing these strategies not only helps you become more self-sufficient but also promotes a sustainable energy ecosystem that benefits both individuals and society as a whole. Let’s harness the power of the sun and pave the way for a cleaner and brighter future.

It’s important to note that the best utilization of excess solar power depends on your specific circumstances, energy needs, and local regulations. Consulting with a solar energy professional or your utility company can help you determine the most suitable options for using your surplus solar power effectively.